
Monday, 8 October 2018

Late WWII British

Just to even things up, you understand. Actually these are minis I've wanted to have a crack at since I woz a Nipper. The green shows up lighter in these piccies but I did find it hard to get that shade of British green for the 25 pounder. Dunno why. Life's too short to be really all that bothered! Again, all figures are metal by Warlord Games.

Vickers "medium" machine gun

 The classic 25-Pounder ready to dent some German armour

Paratroopers because why-ever not?

These rank high up there as being very rewarding to paint. 
The grenade-throwing poses are a bit awkward but the rest of them fit the bill rather nicely. As with the gebirgsjager these boys will "count as" regular infantry for game purposes 
(for now - might just build an airborne list now I see these chaps in the flesh)
Late WWII German reinforcements

Back after a long hiatus! I took a break from painting and SP2 for a while. Recharged the old batteries etc (code for "work was nuts!!"). Whilst on a long ramble in beautiful East Lothian, a sudden urge to tidy up the WW2 collections descended. So we could enjoy a full game of Chain of Command and try a few options. It's a game that's grown on me after a few brilliantly close-run games. I hope to work out a way of writing these up without using the entire internet's storage capacity.

All the minis are metal Warlord Games. Some great sculpts, some urrrmmm sculpts. All actually quite easy to paint up and look decent once finished.

First up - what list is complete without an MG42 team?

Support - LeIG18 light artillery for a bit of HE oooomph

A sniper, flamethrower, panzerschrek and NCO

 Tried the Army Painter dip method on the NCO. Totally underwhelmed, I am afraid. Firstly, I can paint and wash with GW washes just as quick and to a better standard. Secondly, he looked a right old mess. But I did drop him on tarmac and not a chip in sight! Ho-hum. 
I'll give it one more try with a thinner solution.

Gebirgsjager - because why not?

These chaps caught my eye and were great to paint - simple but effective. I just didn't want any more Heer. These guys can "count as" normal grenadiers if needed. You need three basic squads for CoC with a light machine gun in each. They took to the field in the latest game and sadly didn't quite make it much beyond advancing into a crossfire in round 1. Pesky Brits ...